Our Trustees
Meet the people making everything happen…

Wendy Shaw
I set up the charity which was registered on 15 April 2020 to pay tribute to Jon’s memory. I am a proud mum of three boys, Mike Matt and of course Jon who will always be in the heart of our family.
I wanted to help young people living with epilepsy stay safe and be confident that help would get to them when they needed it. It was also important to me that siblings and friends had their grief acknowledged and that we could offer funding for help they needed to improve their mental health. Of course it was a priority to ensure I could make as many people as possible aware of the risk of SUDEP. As a family living with epilepsy we didn’t know it existed, just like 85% of bereaved families.
My background is HM Forces (WRAF) and Family Support, where I spent 17 years supporting families with children of primary school age before retiring in 2019.

Naomi O’Brien
Long time family friend. Mum of Jon’s oldest friend.

Matt Shaw
Risk Management /bereaved siblings coordinator
Matt, Jon’s brother and all around fun guy. Having personal experience of tragic loss he is keen to support bereaved siblings in their journey through their grieving.
Background, Reaseheath College and Engineering Apprentice.

Nikki Lawton
Safeguarding Trustee
Having worked with Wendy for numerous years in a professional capacity in more recent years she has become a friend.
The awful news about Jon took all of us by surprise. I am looking to support Wendy in her drive to bring about more positive outcomes for other families in Jon’s name.

Chris Maloney
Volunteers Coordinator
A close friend to Jon and his family, as a Trustee I am striving to promote the key initiatives set out by the Foundation. I will work hard to help the charity flourish beyond the outstanding project it already is.

Hannah Faye Holt
Foundation Secretary/ Bereaved siblings coordinator.
I am absolutely delighted to join Jon Shaw Foundation as Secretary Trustee. I know Jon through being friends with Matt during and beyond college, I have felt that it is vitally important to raise awareness of SUDEP and I feel so honoured to be joining the Trustees. As someone who has experience unexpected loss multiple times, I’m really keen to help in the aim of supporting bereaved siblings and close friends.
I have a varied background in account and event management through my career roles and an extensive history of fundraising previously.

Daisy Mae Graham-Long
Marketing and Communications Trustee
After struggling with being diagnosed with epilepsy as a teenager, I was thrilled at the opportunity to join Jon Shaw Foundation as a trustee and use my skills to help young people on the same journey that I had once found myself on. I first met Jon’s brother Matt through college, and having experienced loss at a similar age was even more inspired to raise awareness of SUDEP and help the charity’s goal of supporting bereaved siblings and friends.

Senior Responsible Individual (SRI). For Data Protection.
As a longstanding friend of Jon’s Dad, I was extremely upset at the news of Jon’s death and very shocked by the circumstances.
I had no hesitation in therefore, in consolidating my charitable efforts to focus on supporting Wendy and the other activists to help JSF achieve its core goals.
I was highly honoured to be invited to take on this role and I will bring all my enthusiasm and over 30 years finance and general business management skills, knowledge and experience in the hope that I can help JSF make a difference.

Pam Simpson
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Trustee
I have worked in schools for over 30 with over 20 years in Headship. I am currently CEO of the Alexandra Academy Trust. During the time as Headteacher, the schools I have led have supported many charities over the years and I was delighted when I was asked to be a Trustee of the Jon Shaw Foundation. It was incredibly sad news to hear about Jon, I have personal experience of epilepsy in my family, so this role is very important to me. I feel passionate about equality diversity and inclusion.