We consider funding for safety equipment and will contribute up to 100% of the cost.
We support young people (under 25 years), living permanently in the UK to access monitors, alarms and other equipment which would not normally be available on the NHS. Further details can be found on the application form which you can access below.
We cannot recommend any particular equipment; details of the different types available can be found on Epilepsy.org or epilepsyalarms uk.
We are happy to discuss individual requirements and consider providing at least partial funding towards eqiupment which is most suitable for the young person’s needs. Examples of items we will consider;
Embrace 2 watch (This monitor has been discontinued and been replaced by the new Epimonitor available exclusively from epilepsyalarms.uk)
Alert IT Pulse Companion (this monitor is no longer in production so will not be available once limited stock runs out)
Medpage mp5v2
Safety Pillows (anti suffocation pillows)
Sorry but we cannot provide donations to other charities, Funeral services, Home adaptations, Holidays etc.
Working in Partnership to Provide Better Care to More Young People.
We are always looking to improve our support to young people and their families, and to do this we work hard to develop partnerships with suppliers of equipment in UK and Europe
We work closely with Sleep Safe, a family company run by healthcare professionals focused on Healthcare Integrity. Anyone ordering through our website using the link will receive 22% discount on your order
Epilepsy Alarms UK is a trusted supplier of …
… epilepsy monitoring devices in the UK and we are proud to have partnered with them. They provide a vast range of devices tailored to all kinds of needs, with products from reputable brands such as Empatica, NightWatch, Emfit, BrioCare, and many more. Click on the link to see what devices are available and then get in touch with the Jon Shaw Foundation to discuss funding of your new equipment.
Funding for the SAMi is currently not available through Jon Shaw Foundation.
Unfortunately due to restrictions in funding we are not currently able to offer funding for the SAMi. Hopefully we will be able to re-introduce funding for all monitors in the near future. Aplogies
The Anderson family in the USA. They are the power behind Sami, a sleep activity monitoring system that we have donated to several families. We are pleased that the equipment is now available from Epilepsy Solutions (www.epilepsysolutions.co.uk) based in the UK, so shipping costs have been significantly reduced.
SAMi® is a night-time movement monitor funded by the Epilepsy Foundation and purpose built for parents, caregivers and individuals that need to watch carefully for unusual movements at night. SAMi is not only designed to reliably alert you to abnormal movement, but will automatically record HD video and audio of the event, which can be easily saved or shared with a Doctor.
Working in partnership with MedicAlert
As a charity for 57 years, MedicAlert has provided lifesaving MEDICAL IDs, which are worn on pulse points. The ID will ensure that in an emergency, anyone helping the wearer will know they have epilepsy, therefore allowing the right support to be given immediately. Knowing this provides peace of mind to the person and their family, improving their confidence to be more physically active and join in socially. Both of which could contribute to better health and self esteem.
● MedicAlert is the only charity in the UK that provides a full medical ID service.
● Members’ comprehensive medical records are available in emergency situations,with the most important information engraved on their custom-made medical ID jewellery.
● Records may include conditions, allergies, advanced directives and other relevant documentation.
● All MedicAlert member records are checked by medical professionals, both when they are set up and when anything changes to ensure they are accurate and prioritised for use in emergency situations.
● The 24/7 emergency line can be accessed from anywhere in the world and includes translation into 100 languages.
● We aim to support those with medical conditions to remain active and independent, and to provide peace of mind to both our members and their families.
MedicAlert membership provides you, or a loved one, peace of mind each and every day, no matter where you might be.
Use the unique Jon Shaw Foundation code JONSHAW42 at their checkout to get your 1st year’s membership free and £10 discount off the I.D.

We Help to Improve the Mental Health of Bereaved Siblings and Close Friends
We offer funding to support bereaved siblings and close friends. We are forming partnerships with a number of organisations but the trustees are happy to discuss your particular needs and preferences. We can offer financial support for activities which will improve the mental health of young people (0-25 years) including anything from counselling, art therapy forest schools to membership of local sports clubs. The type of support offered is entirely driven by the interests and wishes of the young person and their family. Two of our trustees, Hannah and Matt are busy setting up a facebook page so that bereaved siblings and friends can share stories, support one another, and organise social events. They are also busy organising bi-monthly social groups which will include trying new activities through the day, (funded by JSF), and for those who want to, an evening meal and drinks while debriefing the day.
If you are a club or organisation which offers activities that may be of interest to our young people please get in touch.
If you know of a bereaved sibling or bereaved friend who would benefit from our support, please get in touch.
Complete the contact form below and email it to enquiries@jonshawfoundation.org
Forest Schools/Bushcraft Days
JSF has been working with Anthony Hadfield of “Head Into The Wild” a provider of Forest School and Bushcraft activity days. Groups will enjoy building shelters using tents, tarpaulines, leaves, branches and finallay erecting a hammock inside to test it out. Learning to tie knots and all about cordage, lighting fires and wild cooking, learning to use axes, knives and other tools safely. They will learning how to identify trees plants and minibeasts. They will even try their hand at archery.
We have arranged funding for Bereaved Siblings and friends to join in these fun sessions and enjoy the outdoors while taking some quiet time away from the grief at home. Watch out for dates on our home page and our facebook page.
Complete the application form below
Face to face / Online Counselling Yorkshire
We are pleased to welcome Sally Oldfield to our associated team. She will be working with our young, bereaved siblings and friends in Yorkshire. Sally wrote; – “When I was approached by the Jon Shaw Foundation, I felt privileged and honoured to have been considered to help such an amazing cause.
I work with various clients enhancing their emotional wellbeing in order to transform their many challenges both personal and professional; I work with clients one-on-one either face to face or online, assisting them to overcome: Stress, Trauma, Bereavement, Anxiety, Addiction, Eating
Disorders (to name a few). Having gone through my own life-changing situations, I have extensive knowledge in some of these areas. I am passionate about providing a safe and non-judgemental environment for my clients and firmly believe the relationship between the client and me is of upmost importance. My passion also extends to working with children and young adults and has proved to be an area I am particularly effective with. I too believe accessing therapy from a young age can be life changing!!! Amazing cause…. Amazing people!! Hopefully together we can make a difference.”

1-1 / Group Counselling Cheshire
We can now offer 1-1 or group counselling with Chelsea Garnett, a qualified, Person-Centred counsellor who has agreed to become part of our support team for bereaved siblings and friends. Chelsea wrote;- “I have a wealth of experience in working with children and young people from all walks of life, providing 1-1 counselling, creative therapies, educational workshops and support groups. I liaise with schools, agencies and other support services, which support children and young people in the community. I have experience in working with: Abuse, Depression, Anxiety, Bereavement, Eating Disorders, Loss, Divorce, Self Harm, Isolation, Relationships, Suicidal thoughts, Abuse, Illness, Anger and other Social, Emotional and Mental Health issues. Within my Practice I see clients who have self referred, referred from recommendations or who have being signposted by school/professional/Charity. I am a registered member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and I am bound by their framework for ethics and good practise. I am passionate about counselling and in particular counselling for young people. A chance to access counselling at a young age can be life changing and open the possibility for seeking further help later in life if the need arises. I am honoured to join the Jon Shaw Foundation and look forward to our journey ahead.”

Bereavement Counselling Tyne & Weir

Bereavement Counselling Wrexham, Oswestry area
Sam Barker – Qualified counsellor since 2017 working with children, young families and individuals, using a range of therapeutic interventions. Working from home, I offer creative counselling, use of animals to aid therapy and in the good weather there is ample space for outdoor therapy to take place, if required. Since qualifying I have completed many hours of additional training to enhance therapy and this means that I can tailor therapy to the client’s needs, working at the client’s pace and providing a safe and confidential space to facilitate the client’s process and needs. Able to offer CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy), play and creative therapy, exploring grief and psychoeducation to help normalise feelings and understand emotions. Based just outside Oswestry, within easy reach of Shrewsbury, Welshpool and Wrexham. I also offer online and telephone counselling sessions.

Memory Teddies for Bereaved Siblings & Friends.
Working Hard to Promote Awareness of SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy)
Our charity is determined to promote awareness of the risks associated with epilepsy, including the risk of SUDEP.
We are not experts but we can signpost users to organisations which are. We regularly research and follow the latest papers and discussions about SUDEP and share what we find through our social media links.
The Founder, is working hard together with local Health Authorities to make changes to what is discussed with patients, sharing her experience of her traumatic loss is having an impact on leaders within the Authority. She is also working in partnership with the Specialist Nursing Team within the Neurology department at Royal Stoke University Hospital, to offer patients funding for equipments where appropriate and offering talks to local support groups.
We have shared our story in local press and radio, and national womens magazine in an effort to reach the wider public and encourage them to ask questions of their clinicians.
We have also produced a leaflet giving in consultation with a Neurologist at a local University Hospital outlining information about SUDEP.
Below are some images of our work to promote awareness of SUDEP